Here are 4 easy steps that could help you capture some type of spirit image on any camera. Photographs
of anomalies can greatly help ghosthunters identify certain problems along with the right documentation of the events.
Photographs are also a great asset for investigators and handy to have if the events in your home
become more than you can handle and you need the assistance of a ghosthunting group.
How to Take a Ghosts Photograph.
Step 1: Visit the space weather website and check on the solar magnetic field activities and write
them down. They range from no activity, to moderate activity to high activity. At this time you can also visit the moon calender
site and find out when the closest full moon cycle will occur (ghosts need energy to form. High solar fields and a full moon
create higher than normal electromagnetic fields that tend to make spirits more active). Photographing during these events
will give you a better chance at capturing ghostly phenomena. Please visit my links page for space weather and moon calender
Step 2: On a sheet of paper write down the time, date, local weather conditions, barometric pressure,
humidity and wind speed.
Step 3: Walk through your house and talk to your ghost. Explain to him/her that you know
he/she is there and that you would like to take his/her picture. Yes...being polite also works on spirits. Remember that they
were once mortal too.

Step 4: After each picture is taken write down some information such as which room the picture was
taken, time of the photograph, temperature of the room at time of photo and any unusual feelings or noises.
film to a trusted photo-lab in your area and wait for the results. Note that sometimes pictures that don't seem to have anything
on them can be the cause of paranormal phenomena. Eg. photos on two negatives, not on one of them, then photo on the next
negative etc. Check your photos carefully as ghosts like to reflect off of windows and mirrors or travel high or low to the
ground (they don't always show up in the centre of your photograph).

In this area I'll define three of the most common pieces of equipment other than the camera in an
investigation as well as vocabulary used by ghosthunters but not necessarily needed to perform the tasks described on this
Digital Thermometer - Uses a laser light to acquire an accurate temperature reading from distances
of up to 20 ft. Used in hard to get at areas (drops in temperature 10-40 degrees can be caused by paranormal activity).
Electromagnetic Field Detectors - are used to get readings of the electromagnetic field in an area
being investigated. Unusually high spikes in the detector can (sometimes) verify the magnetic signatures of ghosts. This equipment
is quite tricky and can give false readings. You will need some experience for it be used correctly to validate your haunting.
E.V.P.- Electronic Voice Phenomena or the use of any digital or electronic means to record the
voices of spirits. Any type of recording device will work but digital creates less background noise (from the machine itself)
than the standard cassette recorder. When trying to get e.v.p.'s leave gaps between your questions, this allows the entity
appropriate time to respond.
