Please note: S.P.E.C.T.E.R. respects the right to privacy and has
used our pictures that have been granted written permission by the clients/property
ORB CONTRAVERSY: Not all orbs are ghosts/spirits. It is a known factor that 97%
of orb photo's maybe caused by moisture, dust or pollens. S.P.E.C.T.E.R. takes great care in eliminating known
causes and does spend time researching that 3%.
Haunted Barn

Mist photo taken by S.P.E.C.T.E.R. at a local riding arena during a rider training
lesson. Horses would spook wildly and throw their riders.
Animals Sensing Something? |

The photo above, is of our Basenji. She will often look up and rub her eyes as if watching
We always had a disposable camera near by and would capture a single orb around her when she
started acting funny. |
Birthday Spirit |

Vortex/Orbs in motion |
Photo submitted by a client
shortly after our initial
investigation. She was taking photo's of her children and set the camera down on a childrens play table.
She heard the camera go off and thought one of the kids picked it up. To her surprise the camera was in the same
spot but this photo was taken by itself....She also made it clear to me, that there is NO strap on the camera?
Notice how the Entity comes through the door, curves around
the childs shoulder then out the same doorway?...
She has taken many photos since they were born with large misty balls and orbs around and behind the children.
Rural School House
Vortex containing
multiple orbs |

One in a series of
three (almost identical) pictures |
A neighbour gave me these copys from their friends rural school house.Since they have converted it to a home,they can
often hear children singing in the house.
They had left their camera sitting on a shelf. These picture were on the negatives between some other photos.
Just another example of entities taking their own photographs and using the energy around them.
A story about an orb sent in
by a visitor to this site.
It was watched for quite some time. Note: I personally have also followed orbs with the
naked eye...
I have displayed the entire unedited article as it was submitted to us.
Best of the WEB - GHOST VIDEOS
WARNING - Not for the Faint of Heart! | |
Abandoned Cemetary
Mist at Ghost Hill |

Late Fall Investigation |
The mist above was taken by S.P.E.C.T.E.R. & G.G.R. Teams during a private investigation.
Radiant Orb in Motion |

Mid-Winter Investigation |
Had a feeling - Orb
photographed |

Summer Investigation |
Ghost Hill is a site of an abandonded cemetary. Back in the mid 1970's a group of bikers partying in the cemetary
threw the headstones onto the road infront of Ghost Hill.
Since this time paranormal activities occur on this site. Only one headstone now remains to mark the property.
GhostHill is an ongoing investigation for the G.G.R and S.P.E.C.T.E.R. teams.
Historically Haunted Farm
"The Donelly Estate"
A Student Film Documentary
Strange configuration
by my elbow? |

Wanda pshycically
feels the company of two entities. |

These two photos are from a series of five photographs.
Four in the series are all out of focus with Wanda's hand moving exceptionally faster than the shutter speed of
the camera. At the time I felt like something was standing to my right and had not noticed Wanda feeling her surroundings
Luckily our experienced camera person new something was going on (by our actions) and took these photo's.
All the pictures afterwards turned out in normal speed again when the presence of
the entity left.
Our laser thermometer also rose up by ten degrees & maintained
that temperature for about 20 seconds slowly decreasing by intervals of 2 degrees when it was pointed at one of the pic's
of the Donnelly brothers.
This had been recorded during the the documentary. all the other pictures that the laser was pointed
at remained at a standard 27 celcius.
Our team and a few of the film crew had some problems with breathing and felt heavy chested when we started
the documentary. This passed about 30 minutes into the shoot.
| |
My favourite picture of a possible full bodied apparition. Taken by Gerald in a local
tavern in an area feared by the employees. You can make out the details of head, arms and wrist. The legs also
appear visible and defined. Taken on 35mm 400 speed kodak film.

After one of our private home investigations, we headed over to the local hotel (which is now a popular
University bar downtown) to discuss what we had found and look over our paperwork (as a group). Upon entering the building,
myself and a visiting psychic saw something go down the stairs, to our right. (the storage basement). I went up to the
bar and the explained to the manager who we where. I also asked her about the ghost of Al Capone's girlfriend?
She laughed and said that yes he did visit his friends in the city but Al didn't have a girlfriend at this hotel (who had
committed suicide)....Blows that local legend! She did however tell us that there was a spot in the basement that
did freak out the employees. We gathered out equipment and went down the narrow corridors and searched the little rooms
along the hallway, getting no unusual readings or uneasy feelings...
This was the last picture, I snapped on 35 mm film, as we left the area. Thought this picture was
lost but it mysteriously shows up when it wants too. I figured I better post it, before it wanders away, once
Thanks to everyone for sending in their pictures!
G.G.R/A. has tried to use the best examples
of phenomina associated with ghosts, along with some haunted locations.
We hope you enjoyed this page! Keep sending
in those photos along with your questions as there is always something new for us to learn... And investigate.
Sincerely, Gerald